When are you going to have kids? Does the question sound familiar? If you haven’t got an earful of this, consider yourself lucky or unmarried! Soon after getting hitched, women are bombarded with uncomfortable questions about starting a family. Whether it’s an innocuous query or an inquisitive one, everyone from relatives and friends to total strangers has something to say. Why? After all, conception is a personal matter. So despite the urge to fire a snarky reply for overstepping boundaries, it’s best to respond gracefully. Here are some polite ways to shut down unsolicited pregnancy advice you may receive.
- Skirt the Issue Delicately
After a few years of marriage, there is tremendous pressure to have a child from immediate and extended family. It starts with subtle hints that soon become persistent. Trying to explain can be futile. Besides, you don’t owe one to anyone. Random persons can be ignored and dismissed. But with close friends and family, you need to skirt the issue delicately. Appreciate their concern and be receptive to their advice. Listen patiently, smile politely, nod intelligently, but don’t commit.
- Establish Boundaries
Dealing with pushy parents regarding your childbearing choices can be hard but don’t cave into the pressure. The key is to establish some boundaries and put across that you are not comfortable with their interference. It’s crucial to convey clearly that pregnancy is a personal matter and they have no input in that aspect of your life.
- Play the Humour Card
A constant onslaught of unwanted pregnancy advice and nosy questions about procreation plans can get under your skin. Try to deflect the subject by hitting the funny bone. Humour can serve as a potent tool for dissipating tension and smoothing awkward conversations.
- Educate Them
Having a baby is a life-changing event that requires careful thought and meticulous planning. You need to be mentally, physically, and financially ready to raise a child. Share these thoughts with your near and dear ones. It will reassure them that you are serious about becoming a parent but need the space to figure things out. They are likely to understand your perspective and back-off.
- Women Empowerment
Women may want to delay pregnancy for various reasons. It could be anything from financial constraints, a medical condition to wanting a stellar career for a secure future. Does it make sense to enforce pregnancy? Is the pressure for motherhood justified? Times and priorities are changing! Access to education and modern birth control measures like Unwanted 21 Days, regular oral contraceptive tablets empower women to control their reproductive life. They know what is best for them and have the conviction to stand by their decision.
Unwanted Gyaan Se Savdhaan – Remember it’s your life your rules
Remember, you are in charge, and no one can dictate your choices! When and whether you want to become a mother is your decision and not someone else’s. If you feel the family’s pressure to have a child is inappropriate and unjustified, make it clear that this topic is off the table. Maybe they will get the message and give up.
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